Laserotherapy - proposal treatments

Peeling węglowy - Hollywood Peel

Carbon peeling – Hollywood Peel

Carbon peeling is a non-invasive and pain-free procedure which spectacularly brightens the skin. It produces the

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Clear Lift - pierwszy frakcyjny, nieablacyjny laser Q-Switched

Clear Lift - the first fractional, non-ablative laser technology Q-Switched

Clear Lift is a non-invasive procedure that spectacularly improves the condition of skin, smooths out wrinkles and produces immediate...

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Laser frakcyjny Mosaic - regeneracja osłabionej skóry

Mosaic fractional laser - photorejuvenation - regeneration of weakened skin

Mosaic fractional laser - an effective and non-invasive method for achieving visibly younger skin.

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Laserowe leczenie chrapania (Fotona Dynamis SP)

Laser treatment of snoring (Fotona Dynamis SP)

It is an effective, pain-free and minimally invasive treatment option that improves the quality of sleep in patients and their co-sleeping...

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Laserowe leczenie grzybicy paznokci (Fotona Dynamis SP)

Laser treatment of onychomycosis (fungal infection of the nails) (Fotona...

It is effective treatment option that helps to get rid of fungal infection of finger and toenails in a quick and painless manner. This is...

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Laserowe usuwanie zmian skórnych

Laser removal of skin lesions

It is a safe, effective and minimally invasive treatment procedure involving removal of such lesions as veruccas (commonly known as warts),...

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Laserowe stymulacja wzrostu włosów (Fotona Dynamis SP)

Laser hair growth stimulation (Fotona Dynamis SP)

It is an effective therapy that stimulates hair growth, prevents hair loss and regenerates the scalp. It is recommended for both women and...

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TightSculpting – redukcja tkanki tłuszczowej z jednoczesnym ujędrnieniem skóry

TightSculpting™ – reduction of adipose (fatty) tissue with a...

TightSculpting? is an innovative laser treatment that employs two different lasers (Nd:YAG and Er:YAG) during a single treatment session....

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