Everyone is unique and deserves the best. Lubelscy Skin Laser Clinic has been building its reputation for 35 years
based on an individualized approach to patient needs, as well as the highest standards in pre- and post-procedural care. Equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, we make every effort every day
to make our patients feel attractive in their bodies.
We believe that beauty lies within each of us, therefore we are not here to change you.
Our mission is to bring out your natural glow and enhance your beauty!
We are uncompromising on the quality of our services. Our clinic combines the highest competence in the field of aesthetic medicine with many years of tradition and experience. The dermatologists working for the Skin Laser Lubelscy Aesthetic Medicine Clinic are experienced specialists who belong to the Polish Society for Aesthetic Dermatologists (PSAD) and participate in regular training courses in top centres. Our state-of-the-art equipment is not everything. The Skin Laser Lubelscy Clinic has experts who can effectively use it.
"Aesthetic medicine is the most rapidly developing branch of medicine. I have been involved in this progress for three decades now and I have no hesitation in saying that it is medicine that allows me to keep my youthful spirit. I keep a watchful eye on the market trends and introduce valuable novelties into my Clinic. I am delighted to be able to work with Patients and help them when in need. The sparkle in our patients? eyes when they leave the Clinic is the best reward for my work. Thank you very much for it. It is the patients that give me the motivation to further develop the Clinic."
Dr Krystyna Lubelska is a physician with 23 years of experience in aesthetic medicine. She is also the owner of the Skin Laser Lubelscy Aesthetic Medicine Clinic (formerly Skin Laser Studio).
Dr Lubelska gained her professional experience in prestigious clinics in New York, Vienna, Heidelberg and Paris. She specialises in the treatment of difficult cases in the field of aesthetic medicine.
Dr Krystyna Lubelska cooperates with the most prominent brands, trainers and coaches from France, America, Korea, Austria and Germany. She regularly upgrades her skills and knowledge of the latest technologies. The “Who is Who” magazine, which presents the most recognisable people in the world, termed Dr Lubelska ‘the pioneer of laser therapy in Poland’. The magazine appreciated her contribution to helping people boost their selfesteem through the improvement of physical appearance.
"As a physician, I am primarily focused on the wellbeing of my patients by respecting the “primum non nocere” principle ('first, do no harm'). I take a keen interest in following the latest global trends in aesthetic medicine by introducing tried-and-tested procedures into my daily activities."
Dr Sazanów-Lubelski is a physician and co-owner of the Skin Laser Lubelscy Aesthetic Medicine Clinic. He graduated from the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice and studied medicine at the prestigious Georg-August University in Göttingen (Germany).
While still a student, he participated in numerous workshops and training courses in aesthetic medicine, both in Poland and abroad. Dr Sazanów-Lubelski developed his passion for beauty and aesthetics by studying at the Academies and Universities in Vienna, Cracow and Katowice, where he obtained his Master degree. In 2021, he received his doctorate in medicine by defending a thesis entitled” Evaluating the results primary axillary fossa hyperhidrosis treatment using microneedling radiofrequency”.
He is constantly updating his skills and knowledge under the tutelage of the most prominent practitioners and trainers in Poland and across the world. Member of a prestigious group of doctors who have completed the Allergan Medical Institute training series.
Jakub Sazanow-Lubelski completed his specialisation training in 2021 and obtained the title of specialist in dermatology and venereology.
"Beauty requires perfection and precision. These two features are inherent in my nature. In aesthetic medicine, even the smallest detail affects the treatment results and the patient?s well-being. As a consequence, it is necessary to participate in continuous improvement and keep abreast of innovations that spring up at international congresses. In Skin Laser Lubelscy, I can keep up-to-date with the latest technologies, ensuring that the patients in my office often smile and are satisfied with the effects of their treatment."
Joanna Hesse-Kowalczyk graduated from the Silesian Medical Academy in Katowice in 1992 and completed her specialisation in dermatology in 1996. She has extensive hospital experience having worked at a dermatological ward. She has been involved in aesthetic medicine since 2003, working and developing her skills in numerous aesthetic dermatology offices.
She regularly takes part in training sessions to enhance her qualifications and practical knowledge of the latest treatment methods. In our clinic, she is responsible for the majority of aesthetic medicine procedures.
Joanna Hesse-Kowalczyk was awarded the Masters in Anti-Ageing and Aesthetic Medicine certificate, issued by the Association of Aesthetic Medicine. She is also a member of the Polish Society for Aesthetic Dermatologists.
"During my daily practice, I pay special attention to appropriate contact with the Patient. Thanks to that, the Patient understands the successive stages of the procedure and the recovery period, goes through them with peace of mind and confidence that the therapy is going in the previously chosen direction. Establishing the right relationship and creating an atmosphere of trust allows me to work at the right level of comfort."
Graduate of Medical University of Silesia in Katowice.
Already during his studies, he expanded his knowledge in the field of surgery by participating in numerous scientific clubs and learning in clinics in Poland and abroad.
He is currently in specialty training in general surgery, where he is developing both his manual and scientific skills. He received his PhD in 2021 by defending his thesis entitled "Selected inflammatory parameters in patients with colorectal cancer" at the Medical University of Silesia.
From the very beginning of his professional work, he pays special attention to the accuracy of the treatments performed. An everyday advocate of minimally invasive and aesthetic surgery. Painless treatment, precision, patience and firmness, as well as fast recovery leaving as little trace of interference as possible, are the principles he tries to follow in his daily work.
At the Lubelscy Skin Laser Clinic, I deal with hair transplantation using the S.A.F.E.R and FUE method, body shaping using VASER LIPO and RENUVION, upper eyelid blepharoplasty and a wide range of dermatosurgery. In addition, I conduct patient qualifications for surgical procedures in oncology, proctology, liver, biliary, breast, thyroid and abdominal hernia surgeries.
„Rozwój dermatologii jest dla mnie źródłem inspiracji do stałego poszerzania swojej wiedzy poprzez uczestnictwo w licznych kursach i szkoleniach. W codziennej pracy bardzo sobie cenię współpracę z ludźmi. Do każdego pacjenta podchodzę indywidualnie, dokładając wszelkich starań, aby zrozumieć jego potrzeby i oczekiwania. Świadomość, że moje działania mają realny wpływ na komfort życia innych, nadaje szczególnego znaczenia mojej pracy. Zdrowie i zadowolenie pacjentów to dla mnie największa satysfakcja. Jest nieustanną motywacją do dalszego działania i poszukiwania nowych, jeszcze lepszych metod leczenia.”
Absolwentka Wydziału Lekarskiego na Uniwersytecie Medycznym im. Piastów Śląskich we Wrocławiu. Odbyła szkolenie specjalizacyjne w Samodzielnym Publicznym Szpitalu Klinicznym im. Andrzeja Mielęckiego Śląskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Katowicach.
Już w trakcie specjalizacji angażowała się w prowadzenie zajęć dydaktycznych ze studentami IV roku Wydziału Lekarskiego, współpracując z Katedrą i Kliniką Dermatologii Śląskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Katowicach.
Uzyskała tytuł doktora nauk medycznych, broniąc pracy pt. "Stężenie IL-6, IL-8 i IL-12p40 w surowicy chorych na trądzik zwykły o różnym nasileniu zmian skórnych". Posiada bogate doświadczenie w pracy w Oddziale Skórno-Wenerologicznym, gdzie pełniła funkcję kierownika specjalizacji młodych lekarzy rezydentów.
Jest autorką i współautorką publikacji w czasopismach polskich i zagranicznych, m.in. w "Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology" oraz "Dermatologia Praktyczna". Jej prace dotyczą tematyki takiej jak bezpieczeństwo stosowania izotretynoiny u pacjentów z toczniowym zapaleniem nerek, choroby pęcherzowe w ujęciu holistycznym czy etiopatogeneza trądziku pospolitego.
Dr Anna Stańkowska aktywnie uczestniczy w różnych kursach i konferencjach, stale podnosząc swoje kwalifikacje. Jest również członkiem Polskiego Towarzystwa Dermatologicznego.
Jej zaangażowanie w rozwijanie wiedzy i doświadczenia sprawia, że jest cenioną specjalistką w dziedzinie dermatologii i wenerologii.
W swojej pracy stawiam na naturalne efekty, które podkreślają indywidualne piękno każdego pacjenta. Moim celem jest subtelna poprawa wyglądu, która dodaje pewności siebie bez przerysowanego efektu. Korzystam wyłącznie z najwyższej jakości preparatów, co daje bezpieczeństwo i satysfakcjonujące efekty. Wsłuchuję się w potrzeby moich pacjentów, aby zapewnić im rezultaty, które spełniają ich oczekiwania.
Hiacynta Kwiatkowska to dyplomowany lekarz medycyny estetycznej z ponad 10-letnim doświadczeniem. Studia lekarskie ukończyła na Pomorskim Uniwersytecie Medycznym, a następnie rozpoczęła kształcenie podyplomowe z zakresu Medycyny Estetycznej na Wyższej Śląskiej Uczelni Medycznej. Swoją wiedzę i umiejętności rozwijała podczas licznych szkoleń zarówno w Polsce, jak i za granicą. Praktykowała m.in. pod okiem cenionego chirurga plastycznego, dr. Brada Hermana z Miami i zgłębiała techniki stosowania kwasu hialuronowego oraz toksyny botulinowej. Regularne szkolenia w Lyonie umożliwiły jej pracę na cadaverach, co pozwoliło na dogłębne zrozumienie anatomii twarzy oraz współpracę z czołowymi chirurgami plastycznymi z Francji. Doskonaliła swoje umiejętności w zakresie mezoterapii i peelingów chemicznych w Barcelonie. Ukończyła także program Croma Rising Stars oraz 2-letni cykl szkoleniowy Allergan Medical Institute co zapewniło jej dostęp do najnowszych światowych trendów w medycynie estetycznej. Hiacynta Kwiatkowska dzieli się swoją wiedzą na międzynarodowych kongresach, była prelegentką na Dubai Derma w Zjednoczonych Emiratach Arabskich. Jej specjalizacją są m.in. iniekcje kwasu hialuronowego, kolagenu, toksyny botulinowej, leczenie nadpotliwości i bruksizmu, a także mezoterapia igłowa. W Klinice Skin Laser Lubelscy wykonuje szeroki wachlarz zabiegów, dostosowanych do indywidualnych potrzeb pacjentów, zawsze z dbałością o naturalny i harmonijny efekt.
"In my work, I value collaboration with people above everything else. We have created a team of wonderful and committed people, who also find passion and great pleasure in their work. My directional education and also my interest in the changing trends in marketing helps me develop the clinic's growth strategy and successfully complete my plans."
Graduate of the Jagiellonian University and SGH Warsaw School of Economics. She is responsible for the management of the Clinic in Katowice and Bielsko-Biala, the brand image of the Lubelscy Skin Laser, as well as marketing activities. She approaches her work with great commitment, guided by values such as responsibility, integrity, quality and mutual respect.
"The combination of the knowledge I gained during my studies in nursing and my passion for cosmetology, which has always been my keen interest, make me fully aware of the treatment procedures I conduct in my Patients. Being able to provide reliable information and advice on daily care makes me approach each Patient in a holistic manner. I am happy that the effects of my treatment procedures put a smile on my Patients faces!"
Iga graduated from the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, majoring in Nursing. She completed her studies with honours and has 6 years of professional experience. She is currently studying medicine at the Medical University of Silesia.
She is continuously improving her skills and qualifications by participating in numerous training sessions and courses in aesthetic medicine and cosmetology. She is passionate about following the latest trends in aesthetic medicine and novel developments in anti-aging treatment procedures. Nothing is more rewarding for her than a smile of Patients who are satisfied with the results of their treatment procedures, and her professional and individual approach makes our Patients eager to visit us again.
"I discovered my love for cosmetology in high school. I had already started weekend classes in a makeup school at that time. During my studies, I started constantly expanding my knowledge with numerous courses and trainings. I approach each patient individually and try to meet their expectations. Seeing smiles on the faces of satisfied Patients is the best compensation for me."
A graduate of the SWSM Silesian College of Medicine in Katowice in the field of Cosmetology. She is constantly broadening her knowledge. Frequent attendee of courses and trainings, continuously following the industry-related news. She is open to new information and treatments, all with the goal of providing even more effective help to patients reporting to the clinic. Her routine involves performing work with attention to every detail. She performs laser therapy and aesthetic cosmetology treatments. When working, she tries to make the atmosphere during the procedure friendly and make the Patient feel comfortable.
"Our physical appearance is affected by numerous factors, including past trauma, emotional trauma, food intolerances or vitamin and mineral deficiencies. In my work, I try to help patients struggling with various problems. In order to achieve that, I methods I use include the innovative P-DTR, which consists in performing simple tests allowing to assess the reactivity of the neuromuscular system, detect dysfunctions and remove them in a simple, quick and painless manner. I am improving the comfort of my patients' lives by doing so."
Graduate of University of Physical Education in Krakow. She has gained her experience through numerous trainings and courses in Poland and abroad. She specializes in the innovative P-DTR method. At the Clinic, she makes sure that the treatment effects are long-term and multidimensional. As she emphasizes, mental and physical well-being is extremely important in everyone's daily life. Promoter of physical activity and healthy lifestyle.
"At the clinic, I specialize in performing lymphatic drainage on patients after VASER LIPO ultrasonic liposuction. Individual approach to the patient and respect is the basis of my work. During drainage, I try to create a friendly atmosphere, so that the patient could feel comfortable and safe."
Graduate of Post-Secondary Medical School in Mikołów on Physiotherapy faculty. She gained her experience during numerous trainings and courses, including the treatment of scoliosis, post isometric relaxation, kinesiotaping. 17 years of professional experience. She approaches her work with great dedication and diligence. Marzena is constantly developing her qualifications and uses the acquired knowledge in everyday work.
"My daily responsibilities involve planning and organising appointments in our Clinic. I treat each Patient on an individual basis so that they feel their needs are of primary concern. My daily tasks are made easier thanks to my innate openness, kindness and positive attitude towards people and the world. I am both communicative and reliable, and always do my best to comprehensively answer all the questions asked by Patients, whether by telephone or e-mail. The smile of each satisfied Patient is the greatest reward for the effort I put into my work at the Clinic."
Maria Kopczyk graduated from the Higher School of Technology and Economics in Jarosławiec. She also completed a post-graduate programme at the University of Economics in Katowice.
She takes her job extremely seriously and conscientiously. Each patient can count on professional advice and clarification of any doubts related to the procedure. Apart from taking care of the Patients' comfort, she excels in overseeing the organization of the registration desk and coordinating the work of doctors in both facilities. She works closely with the clinic manager and helps implement new, innovative solutions and promotional campaigns. Working with Maria is a pleasure!
"Dealing with many people of different personalities is what I value the most in my work. In the Clinic, every day is different. I am extremely happy to see the satisfaction of our patients as they leave and come back in after some time, bringing along their friends, families and often their younger generation."
A graduate of the Katowice Business University (GWSH) in Katowice (Poland).
Her sunny disposition and smile bring tons of positive energy into our team every day! She has extensive knowledge about every single treatment procedure. Karolina works closely with our physicians, consulting numerous queries and dilemmas of our Patients, to make sure the information provided is reliable and based on medical knowledge and experience. Her emphatic attitude makes Patients calm and relaxed before an appointment. Karolina can freely communicate with English-speaking Patients.
"I am fully committed in my daily work. Thanks to my extensive experience in customer service and continuous improvement of my knowledge in cosmetology and aesthetic medicine, I make every effort to make sure that each Patient feels unique in our Clinic. I am a smiling, conscientious, communicative and responsive to the needs of our Patients."
Karolina is responsible for contacts with Patients. As a Patient Service Specialist, she tries to provide the Patients with reliable and fully understandable information about treatment procedures. Karolina is known for her precision, conscientiousness and full commitment in a workplace. She is eager to develop and undertake new challenges to enhance her skills. Her cheerful disposition and positive energy are truly infectious!
"Aesthetic medicine is a rapidly developing branch of medicine, I stay up-to-date with new developments in the industry to be able to provide patients with reliable answers to questions that arise. In the clinic, I am responsible for the initial contact with the patient, I do my best to provide detailed information about the problem and possible solutions. The most important thing to me is that the patient approaching us could feel fully cared for."
Since the beginning of her career, Ewa has been focused on continuous improvement of her qualifications, constantly participating in numerous trainings and courses. She serves as a Patient Service Specialist at the clinic and inspires confidence among patients and coworkers through her professional approach. Ewa brings a lot of positive energy to our team every day!
"I have had direct contact with clients for years, which helped me gain valuable experience in the form of effective communication and efficient problem solving - these skills are invaluable in my daily work. Each day, I do my best to make sure all Patients are fully satisfied when leaving our Clinic?"
In Skin Laser Lubelscy, Magda works as a patient assistant. One of her strengths is the ease with which she makes new contacts and her empathy, which is so much valued by our Patients. With her profound commitment and openness to new ideas, she creates a pleasant atmosphere in the workplace. Magda continuously develops her competences in cosmetology, so Patients can be sure to receive reliable information about the treatment methods offered in our Clinics.